Final Round Awards
All contestants will be awarded diplomas sent by email in high resolution digital format
Professors and accompanying musicians, upon request, will receive a certificate for their portfolio
Contestants who win a Platinum Award, worth 100 points, will be awarded a cash prize of £ 1000 for soloists and £ 2000 per ensemble.
A selection of winners will participate in the nomination round where they can win special prizes and choose to participate in the Gala Concert in London.
Winners of the Platinum Prize will have their photo and biography published on the website con with an individual link to multimedia content.
Nomination Round Awards
A selection of nominees will be invited to appear at the Gala Concert that will take place in London in the first half of 2024. All those awarded prizes will receive special diplomas that will be sent by email in high resolution digital format.
Special prizes:
Best Little Star Pianist
Best Young Pianist
Best Professional Pianist
Best Little Star Player
Best Young String Player
Best Professional String Player
Best Little Star Woodwind Player
Best Young Woodwind Player
Best Professional Woodwind Player
Best Little Star Brasswind Player
Best Young Brasswind Player
Best Professional Brasswind Player
Best Little Star Percussion Player
Best Young Percussion Player
Best Professional Percussion Player
Best Little Star Chamber Ensemble
Best Young Musicians’ Chamber Ensemble
Best Professional Chamber Ensemble
Best Little Star Voice
Best Young Voice
Best Professional Voice
About The Gala Concert In London
Only a selection of laureates will be invited to participate in the VIMA Gala Concert.
All participants in the Gala Concert will be responsible for paying their travel, accommodation and living expenses
During the Gala Concert, the participants waive the right to financial remuneration for their performance and its online or televised broadcasting.
Under 18s will be the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians. The VIMA organisation will at no point be responsible for their actions.
AIMA reserves the right to make any changes to the basis and other information relating to the event.
The deadline for registration to the VIMA is APRIL 8th, 2024.